Krishi Vigyan Kendra

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi)
Gandheli, Tq. Dist. Aurangabad (M.S.) 431007
Tel. 09404997772, Email:, Website:

Land development activities
                Ideally the land of Gandheli is undulating terrain with very shallow and uneven soil packets and series of hard rock parent material. The land development work of the instructional farm has been started in the year 2012. Each plot of 13 R had been gone through the series of operations like

  1. Demarcation of land according to the soil grade and across the slope
  2. Division of the plot having 13 R area
  3. Demarcation and making of bunds and nala and drains
  4. Scrapping of soil, murum with the help of doser and JCB
  5. Collection and aggregation of soil, murum
  6. Blasting / breaking of hard rock / bolders
  7. Collection of bolders
  8. Filling of plot with bolders and  murum as and when required
  9. Filling of soil to make plot ready for utilization / cultivation

Series of ponds based on watershed concept
Series of ponds each of having capacity about 75 lakh liters has been designed in low lying area of the instructional farm based on watershed development concept. Each pond designed in the series has demakating line at the height of one meter at the top to facilitate natural slope and gradient flow of water in the series of pond.